What Are Crystals (Otoconia) in My Inner Ear?

You may have been told that your dizziness is being caused by “crystals being out” in your inner ear and wondered what is meant by that. These crystals are called otoconia or otoliths. They can also be referred to as rocks, stones, or particles. They are crystals that are composed of calcium carbonate.
They are located in 2 organs within the vestibular system called the utricle and saccule. They sit on top of the otolithic membrane which is embedded with hair follicles and constantly send signals to the brain indicating head position and momentum. When you tip your head or accelerate the hair follicles bend and send impulses to the brain so you can perceive motion.
If the otoconia become dislodged and float into your semi-circular canal, you may experience dizziness in certain positions or with movement (see previous Blog on BPPV).
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